Sunday, March 06, 2011

Republicans “Jump the Shark” in Wisconsin

Jumping the shark is an expression used to denote when a particular production effort has surpassed its relevance and reached a point of decline in quality that it is incapable of recovering from. (From Wikipedia)

That pretty much describes the Republicans in Wisconsin

Lucky for the Democrats that after winning the election the Republicans approached their opportunity for governing Wisconsin with the finesse of a T Rex on crack. Now we have thousands of unhappy employees and a national confrontation with the unions that is escalating to the complete middle class. And then there are the pending recalls from the voters who feel they were deceived.

Advice to Wisconsin voters -Be more careful when you vote next time!

But the protest was bound to happen sometime. Lies and half truths by ideologues during campaigns have reached outrageous size. People vote not on the issues but based on the TV channel they watch. When the actual implementation is much different than expected you have serious buyer’s remorse.

Truth, transparency, and honest intent could have gone a long way to solving the Wisconsin dispute fairly without conflict. Some truths I would appreciate to see to resolve the truth of negatives put forth against the unions are:

What is the total amount spent by the unions in influencing the federal government compared to that of corporations? Publish it each year.

Why is the education system criticized and cut while the financial sector who brought us the multi-trillion dollar financial meltdown are receiving bailouts?

After cutting the fat couldn’t the states remaining shortfall for critical areas like safety and education be amortized and paid back over time in an improved economy with less the citizens?

Why not publish teachers and government employees compensation compared with financial sectors compensation each year?
For some reason we have had a relatively smooth transition here in Virginia, and with a Republican Governor

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